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Nominate an extraordinary woman for the 2016 Sydney Peace Prize!

Call for Nominations

It’s time to honour an extraordinary woman with the Sydney Peace Prize.

By employing the theme Women Building Peace the Sydney Peace Foundation seeks to recognise and celebrate the women who are advancing the cause of sustainable peace with justice, and to dedicate a year of advocacy to women’s issues at home and abroad.

The 2016 Sydney Peace Prize will draw attention to inspiring women working to cultivate peace in their communities, between nations, and across the world. Such work ranges from collective action of groups of women in war zones, to individual initiatives addressing domestic violence. It includes women working in leadership roles, in social and environmental activism, in humanitarian aid, reconciliation processes, post-conflict governance, and much more.

Over the last 17 years the Sydney Peace Prize has been awarded to an individual whose efforts or achievements have demonstrated a commitment to the Foundation’s core principles: peace with justice, respect for human rights, and the language on nonviolence.

Thank you for nominating a woman for the 2016 Sydney Peace Prize!

We invite everyone to nominate a woman who ought to be recognised for her contributions to peace.

The Jury received over 50 nominations last year, and we hope for the same level of enthusiasm this year! Sign up for our newsletter to received an announcement when the Jury has reached a decision for the 2016 Sydney Peace Prize.

Download the 2016 SPP Nomination Form here. 

Questions or inquiries? Contact us:

By email:   

Or by post:

Sydney Peace Foundation
Mackie Building K01
University of Sydney NSW 2006

More information on the nomination process here.