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Black Lives Matter Network: Interview with Rodney Diverlus

In 2017, the Black Lives Matter Global Network received the Sydney Peace Prize for building a powerful movement for racial equality and courageously reigniting a global conversation. We recently caught up with Rodney Diverlus who accepted the Prize in 2017 on behalf of the Black Lives Matter Network. He sat down with us to discuss the need for transformation, alternatives to traditional policing, and the importance of recognising inter-generational trauma.

Stay tuned as we continue to explore this topic through an upcoming interview on the legacy of racism and violence against First Nations People in Australia. Well over 400 Aboriginal people have died in custody in Australia since the Royal Commission into Deaths in Custody in 1991. This is unacceptable. The Sydney Peace Foundation stands with the Black Lives Matter movement in Australia and around the world. Together, we can stand as allies and in solidarity to work for justice and the pursuit of peace.