Peace… COMMUNITY FORUM in Gosford – Mon 22 Sept
…is not only the absence of war
but the quality of life.
Anyone can have a go.
You are invited to be part of this Community Forum at
Monday, 22nd September, 2014 at 7.30pm
129 Donnison Street, Gosford (opposite Kibble Park)
Enquiries Jan 4328 3707
(Registration is not required)
Jane Singleton – Director of the Sydney Peace Foundation. Former presenter and senior reporter for the ABC’s 7.30 Report. She has worked and co-ordinated a num-ber of highly successful campaigns for human rights and social justice as well as di-recting and chairing many important public organisations.
Richard Broinowski – Adjunct Professor, Media and Communications at Sydney University. Former Australian Diplomat serving of various postings and capacities in more than 8 different countries. He has written 4 books and published many articles on foreign affairs and comes with a wide experience in this field.
Sister Trish Madigan – A Dominican Sister and Director of the Dominican Centre for Inter-faith, Ministry, Education and Research (CIMER). She has extensive pastoral experience in Education, University Chaplaincy and Inter-faith Relations. She is a foundation member of the Women’s Interfaith Network and works for understand-ing, social cohesiveness in the Australian society, peace, justice and the care of crea-tion.
Parking available at rear of premises.
Access driveway off Henry Parry Drive, behind Kensman Building