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Within the Eye of the Storm: A Story of Hope in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

On Monday 19 August 2013, The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPACS), Jews against the Occupation (JAO) and the Global Social Justice Network (GloSo) held a seminar to show the new and inspiring documentary, Within the Eye of the Storm.

The documentary (trailer and full film below) focuses on two former fighters, an Israeli and a Palestinian, both members of Combatants for Peace, a group of ex-combatants from both sides, working together for a non-violent solution to the conflict.



The screening was followed by a Q&A forum discussing the documentary and implications for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Abe Quadan, Conflict resolution practitioner; member of CPACS Council; co-founder of Palestinian-Jewish Dialogue Group

Donna Jacobs Sife, Storyteller; Programs Director, Together for Humanity; co-founder, Jewish Voices for Peace and Justice

Dr Neven Bondokji, Researcher on Islamic movements, Islam and peace-building, and conflict resolution; Trainer in youth development