Nous Sommes Charlie
Nous Sommes Charlie
We are seeing the killers
whose balaclava eyes
stared like bad breath
shared with collaborators,
each masturbating anger
sufficient only to hear
the notes of their Kalashnikovs
which they played
in defence of their deities,
their dogma and themselves.
We are mourning cartoonists
murdered for laughter,
their freedom stifled
on the steps of satire,
their drawings extravagant
with messages rude enough
to craft memorials
in honour of the indispensable
value of undressing
the pompous and the powerful.
In response to the murder of staff and a defending Muslim policeman in the Paris office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 8th January, a poem by Professpr Stuart Rees. Hyams Beach January 11th 2015.
More information about the poetry for peace of Stuart Rees, founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation, can be found here: