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NSW Parliament House Theatrette

NSW Parliament House Theatrette

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  2. Venues
  3. NSW Parliament House Theatrette
Events at this venue

Sydney Women’s Poetry and Arts Festival

NSW Parliament House Theatrette 6 Macquarie St, Sydney, Australia

The Annual Sydney Women's Poetry and Arts Festival provides a political and poetic platform to foster cultural diversity, build networks for social justice and develop partnerships within the arts.   Taking place at the iconic NSW Parliament House, the event...


Diaspora Symposium: Refugees & Asylum Seekers’ Discourse

NSW Parliament House Theatrette 6 Macquarie St, Sydney, Australia

This Symposium provides an opportunity for artists and poets to use avant-garde arts and poetry to explore critical feminist perspectives on social justice and human rights. The panel asks leaders in law, the media, the arts and community activism to...