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2024 Sydney Peace Prize Gala Dinner

The 2024 Sydney Peace Prize

This year the Sydney Peace Foundation will award the Sydney Peace Prize to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement for courageous and highly regarded humanitarian work that serves our common humanity. In a year marking the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, and amid unprecedented challenges to respect for international humanitarian law, the work of the global Movement is as important as it has ever been.

Chief Executive Officer and Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Jagan Chapagain, will be in Sydney to receive the award at an award ceremony at Sydney Town Hall on Monday, 18 November. The Gala Dinner is on Thursday, 21 November.

Red Cross Collage
Gala Dinner Information and Tickets

The Sydney Peace Prize Gala Dinner is the Foundation’s annual fundraising event, and your attendance will help us continue awarding the Sydney Peace Prize to recognise and support global leaders to continue our work recognising and advocating for global peace and justice.

Our Gala Dinner is the Sydney Peace Foundation’s annual fundraising celebration. This historic event offers you and your guests an intimate opportunity to hear from our Peace Prize winners.

We are offering a limited number of Corporate Tables at this year’s Gala Dinner.

Partnering with us is an opportunity for your company to make a tangible and public statement of your support for peace, justice and human rights.

Your clients, partners and staff will be reminded of the commitment your company holds towards supporting powerful solutions for the world’s biggest problems.

Corporate tables receive:

  • A branded table for ten.
  • Logo recognition in our Gala Dinner program, annual report and website.
  • Logo recognition on the scrolling slides throughout the event.
  • Five VIP tickets to the Award Ceremony and Lecture at the Sydney Town Hall.

Please email for more information.

Event Details

Date: Thursday, 21 November, 2024

Time: 6.30pm to 10.30pm

Location: The Sheraton Grand Hyde Park

Dress code: Formal / Black Tie

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2023 Gala Dinner