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Sydney Peace Prize Events

Every year, the Sydney Peace Foundation unites people from all walks of life to celebrate the awarding of the Sydney Peace Prize. For over 26 years, it has brought inspiring and exemplary stories of vision and courage to the Australian and Sydney stage, encouraging public debate and inspiring people to take action to further peace and justice in their own communities.

The Sydney Peace Prize Award Ceremony and Lecture at the Sydney Town Hall is an opportunity for everyone to hear from our annual Peace Prize recipient and be inspired by their leadership and dedication, as well as witness the awarding of the prestigious Prize.

At the Sydney Peace Prize Gala Dinner, guests come together to celebrate the incredible achievements of our Laureates in the struggle for peace, justice, human rights and nonviolence. This is the Foundation’s main fundraising event of the year, and it is crucial to the continuation of the Sydney Peace Foundation.

The Prize is awarded to individuals or organisations whose role and responsibilities enable them to use the $50,000 award to further peace with justice. Your donation to the Sydney Peace Foundation makes a tangible impact by helping Laureates continue their vital work for a fairer world.

Sydney Peace Prize                                Award Ceremony and Lecture

The Sydney Peace Prize Award Ceremony and Lecture is an inspirational annual address delivered by the year’s Peace Prize recipient, which takes place at Sydney Town Hall.

More about this year’s Award Ceremony and Lecture and to book your ticket. 

Sydney Peace Prize                                    Gala Dinner

The Sydney Peace Prize Gala Dinner attracts an audience of over 300 of Sydney’s corporate, government, NGO and university leaders, who gather to celebrate the achievements of the year’s Peace Prize recipient.

More about this year’s Gala Dinner and to book. 

Peace Prize Laureates have received the award from former Governor Generals, Prime Ministers, Premiers, the Governor of NSW and the Lord Mayor of Sydney.

Sir William Deane presented the Prize to Professor Muhammad Yunus in 1998 and to Archbishop Tutu in 1999, Sir Ninian Stephens to Mary Robinson in 2002, Premier Carr to Dr. Hanan Ashrawi in 2003, Prime Minister Keating to Dr. Hans Blix in 2007.

Prime Minister Rudd presented the award to Patrick Dodson in 2008; The Hon Dame Professor Marie Bashir to Dr. Vandana Shiva in 2010, Professor Noam Chomsky in 2011 and Julian Burnside AO QC in 2014; Professor Gillian Triggs presented the Prize to Naomi Klein in 2016; and The Lord Mayor Clover Moore to Zimbabwean Minister for Reconciliation Sekai Holland in 2012, Dr Cynthia Maung in 2013, George Gittoes AM in 2015, the Black Lives Matter Global Network in 2017, Professor Joseph E. Stiglitz in 2018, the Me Too movement in 2019, the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2022 and Iran’s Woman, Life, Freedom movement in 2023.