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Peace Blog

SBS’ Dateline: Sekai Holland’s Journey

The Sydney Peace Foundation is extremely proud to announce that this coming Tuesday, 2nd October, SBS's Dateline will feature the incredible and inspiring story of the 2012 Sydney Peace Prize Recipient, Zimbabwean Senator Sekai Holland. In May 2012, Dateline's Walkley award-winning journalist,


The tragedy of courageous Australian soldiers being murdered by  Afghan 'allies' demonstrates not only the futility of war but also the absurdity of politicians repeating cliches about 'staying the course', and ' completing our mission'. The media participates in this

About-face on Hicks a victory for the bullied

by Mary Kostakidis So the Australian government has shot itself in the foot while aiming at David Hicks. It would be funny if it weren't so appalling. The withdrawal of the dubious literary proceeds of crime action against Hicks raises questions the

Optimism about Zimbabwe as Gillard asks DFAT to lift sanctions

Morgan Tsvangirai a “hero”, Sekai Holland a “heroine”: optimism about Zimbabwe   Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s support for Morgan Tsvangirai, Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, and Mr Tsvangiriai’s unwavering commitment to reconciliation for his people are optimistic signs for the future Zimbabwe.

Nominations for 2013 Sydney Peace Prize

The Sydney Peace Prize Jury has put out a final call for nominations for the 2013 Sydney Peace Prize. The Sydney Peace Foundation accepts nominations in writing or email. Nominations should be accompanied by a short statement explaining the merit of

Peace Journalism In Mexico

Jake Lynch recently travelled to Mexico to make a documentary about how the country's big media outlets report conflict. Watch the film and read about Mexico's unique media landscape, here. Imagine democracy being suborned by a corporate takeover, with a business-friendly political

Global Peace Index 2012

The results of the 2012 Global Peace Index (GPI) were released on June 12th. The 2012 Global Peace Index is the sixth edition of the world’s leading study on global levels of peacefulness. This year Australia ranked the 22nd most

Julian Assange: the freedom of free speech

By Professor Stuart Rees, Founder of the Sydney Peace Foundation There are a few days left to appeal the British High Court's five to two ruling that Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden to be interviewed about alleged sexual assault.

Lessons from Zimbabwe’s great healer

In any country whose people have experienced violence at every level of their lives – social, cultural, environmental, economic, and political – courageous advocates of non-violence and reconciliation represent the only path to peace with justice. In Zimbabwe, three such

The dangers of ASIO’s arbitrary and unaccountable decisions

Grown Men Playing Boys’ Games : the dangers of ASIO’s arbitrary and unaccountable decisions The Sydney Peace Foundation supports lawyer David Manne’s High Court challenge to the arbitrary and unaccountable decisions of ASIO staff regarding asylum seekers’ security clearance. It makes

Why Kony Is Not The Main Game

By James Dhizaala and Stuart Rees The frenzy of conversation about the reach and effect of the Kony 2012 video has covered a lot of ground. What hasn’t been addressed, however, is the Uganda government’s complicity in the oppression of the

Rap News 12: Yes we KONY?

The formidable force that is Rap News has released a sobering assessment of the hysteria surrounding KONY 2012, dissecting with surgical precision all the reasons why KONY 2012 is irresponsible and ill-placed. Well done Rap News! http://thejuicemedia.com/

Palestine matters, not Gillard-Rudd soapies

By Professor Stuart Rees: In the Khan Younis area of southern Gaza, the Qdeh family's modest rabbit farm is one of several Australian trade union humanitarian aid (Apheda) projects which is bolstering food security for poor families. On a Spring evening in