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Sydney Peace Prize

Videos and Media

Julian Burnside's City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture was filmed by ABC Big Ideas. You can watch it online here: ABC Big Ideas Julian Burnside - 2014 City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture. This was broadcast on ABC1 on Monday

SBS’ Dateline: Sekai Holland’s Journey

The Sydney Peace Foundation is extremely proud to announce that this coming Tuesday, 2nd October, SBS's Dateline will feature the incredible and inspiring story of the 2012 Sydney Peace Prize Recipient, Zimbabwean Senator Sekai Holland. In May 2012, Dateline's Walkley award-winning journalist,

2011 Sydney Peace Prize

Below is an archive of print media coverage of the 2011 Sydney Peace Prize. It spans the announcement of the recipient in June 2011, through to the awarding of the prize in November 2011. Footage of the 2011 Sydney Peace Prize Award